In addition to publish David Leung's (theorydavid, or Leung Sir) teaching, and musical activities, the blog Music and Arts:音樂與藝術 is also used to reflect his ideas of and aesthetic respones to music, literature, poetry, painting,and various arts written in the form of articles, poems, and academic papers.Your heartfelt responses are my great support. For those who are interested in advance music learning, please also visit my personal website:。
2011年1月11日 星期二
梁 Sir 多年前應邀演出一個閒角。坦白說,劇本就唔掂。但 D 評論就話,果個 Headmaster 可以拿最佳男配角,你話係唔係呢?
註: 開頭廿幾秒還沒有翦輯,請耐心等候。而且,雖然承諾了導演朋友,還未有時間配上原創音樂,時間飛逝,怕也有十年了。
David Leung (theorydavid)
2011-01-11 (published)
文章 (Atom)